Live SMS Messages535 messages

A prson askd an
"How do i get d Best out
of Lyf?"
Intellectual answrd:
"Face Ur Past widout
Handle Ur Present wid
Prepare 4 d Future
Widout fear"
Thn He added,
"Keep d Faith & drop d
Dnt Believe Ur Doubts
& nvr Doubts Ur
Lyf is Wondrful If U
Knw how 2 Live" (:
We Are What Our
Thoughts Have Made
Take Care About
What You Think
Words Are Secondary
Thoughts Live, They
Travel Far ... !!
Remember !!

Work For A Cause
Not For Applause

Live Life To Express
Not To Impress

Don''t Strive To Make
our Presence Noticed

Just Make Your
Absence Felt ...

Kill me & call it
"A Mistake"

Imprison me & call it
"Security Measure"

Exile my people n masses & call it

Declare my leaders as the enemy of our country & call it
"Quilty of Treason"

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as

"Terrorist" & call it

But listen, still i am PAKISTANI and will remain PAKISTANI 4ever
"LONG Live PAKISTAN'''' :-|
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results & problems are a part of life. Never lose hope in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of day. Remember
A man can Live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air But not for 1second without hope!
Remember ... !!!

Those Who Do More Then They''re Paid
For Are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name & Work
OutLive Them & They Always
Command The Highest Price

Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension
Remember ... !!!

Those Who Do More Then They''re Paid
For Are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name & Work
OutLive Them & They Always
Command The Highest Price

Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension
If u cant find the brighter side of life..
polish the darker side

Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to Live a life..
Scientists all over the world r wondering,
how long a human being can Live without brain.
Please tell them ur age.
Scientists all over the world r wondering, how long a human being can Live without brain. Please tell them ur age.and name......
Whats Live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.
come on my love and make me feel your self
just come on babe u have burnt a flame of love
in my heart i am still burning in that,
if some one can quench my thrust in the desert of sorrows
it''s only you whenever i feel about you there comes tears
in my eyes and heart sighs u wouldn''t Live without me,
come on my love ,just come on in my life for once..