Live SMS Messages535 messages

--until your car or home is paid off
--until you get a new car or home
--until your kids leave the house
--until you go back to school
--until you lose ten pounds
--until you gain ten pounds
--until you finish school
--until you get a divorce
--until you get married
--until you have kids
--until you retire
--until summer
--until spring
--until winter
--until fall
--until you pass away...
There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So -- work like you don''t need money, Love like you''ve never been hurt, And dance like no one''s watching.
U Live …u die …u learn something..
Live Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN DiE Fe Yu..
sMiLe Fe D pErSoN wHu cAn CrY Fe Yu..
FiGhT Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN pRoTecT Yu..
LoVe D pErSoN wHu CaN LoVe Yu MoRe ThAn Yu Do Fe YuRsElF!!..
People die younger because God love them more.

You r still aLive that means there is someone on the earth who loves u much more than God
The day will come when you''ll be mine
But I''ll just wait till that time
If I have to wait forever, that''s what I''ll do
Cause I cant Live my life without you
The heart is the main organ of the body. It is said that our heart keeps us aLive,

but I believe its what is inside our hearts that gives us the drive to Live.

The love thats inside our heart that makes us who we are. The greatest gift in my eyes is the ability to love.

To share the love we hold in our hearts is the greatest gift God has given us because people only can Live for so long,

but our memories and our love last for eternity.
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear. It is those we Live with and love and should know who elude us. You can love completely without complete understanding.
The Heart Is The Main Organ Of The Body. It Is Said That Our Heart Keeps Us ALive . . .
I Beleive Its What Is Inside Our Hearts That Gives Us The Drive To Live . . .
Te Love That''s Inside Our Heart That Makes Us Who We Are. The Greatest Gift In My Eyes Is The Ability To Love . . .
To Share The Love We Hold In Our Heart Is The Greatest Gift GOD Has Given Us B''coz People Only Can Live For So Long
Our Memories & Our Love Last For Etrnity . . .
I will ForeI will Forever Lovever Love You I will Forever Care,
I will Forever Live my life Wishing you Were There,
and as for long as I Live I will never walk away,

As long as you promise me one thing..

If You Come to Me… You will stay?
Not all friends are for life but if you have a friend you have a life

To lose your love is to have Lived a thousand Lives, and have them end all at once

Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever
If The Ppl We Love Are Stolen From Us

The Way To Have Them Live On, Is To Remeber Them

Buildings Burn , People Dies


Real Love Is Forever
Roses are waiting for hours,
need one touch of yours.
my life is like a rose,
need one love dose.
flowers grows with love & sunshine,
& i''ll Live till you remain mine.
You know you''re in love when at those times you''re apart,
You find yourself gazing at the sky in the
direction she Lives and feeling some peace in
knowing that you Live under the same sky.