Live SMS Messages535 messages

We always spend our Lives thinking that what we deserve from others, so mostly our relations got hurt,

lets spend our Lives thinking

"What others deserv from us"

this will make our Lives too much easier to spend. Try it
Be In Today
Believe In Today

Behave In Today

Be ALive In Today

Yesterday Died For Today
Tomorrow Takes Birth From Today

The Fear Of Death

Follows From

The Fear Of Life...
A Man Who Lives

Fully Is Prepared

To Die At Any Time...!!!
WhAt LoOkS tO b NoThInG
fInAlLy ThAt BeCoMeS eVeRyThInG
WhAt Is EvErYtHiNg
SuDdEnLy ChAnGeS tO nOtHiNg ...

ThAt''Z "L I F E"

LeArN tO Live
Live To LeArN
First He Was Dying To Finish High School And Start College,

Then He Was Dying To Finish College And Start Working,

Then He Was Dying To Marry And Have Children,

And Then He Was Dying For His Children To Grow Old Enough So He Could Go Back To Work!

And Then He Was Dying To Retire.

And Then He DIED!

In Between All This He Forgot Something,


Don''t Let This Happen To You.

Appreciate Your
Have A Gud Day
Enjoy Life:)
Life Is Meant To Be Lived In
Eternal Joy,
Infinite Freedom,
Unconditional Love
Unbounded Awareness
Anything Less Is Utterly Missing
The Points Of Being Born
A Human ....
U Better Live Ur Best
Act Ur Best Today
For Today
Is The Sure Preparation
For Tomorrows
All Other Tomorrow
That Follow
We Only Live Once
Once Is Enuf
If V Do It Rite
Live Ur Life Wid Class,
Dignity And Style
So That An
Rather Than A Question
Mark Signifies It !
Trust Urself
Cre8 d Kind Of Self Tht
U''ll b Happy 2 Live Wid
All Ur Lyf
Make d Most Of Urself
By Fanning d Tiny, Iner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)
Limitations Live Only In Our Minds ,
If We Use Our Imaginations !
Our Possibilities Become Limitless.
And Life is To
There Are Only Two
Things You "Have To"
Do In Life ...

You "Have To" Die ...


You "Have To" Live
Until You Die ...

You Make Up
All The Rest ...
It Is Easy In The World
To Live After The
World''s Opinion, It Is
Easy In Solitude After
Our Own,
The Great Man Is He,
Who In The Midst Of
Te Crowd Keeps With
Perfect Sweetness The
Independence Of
Solitude ... :)