First He Was Dying

First He Was Dying
First He Was Dying To Finish High School And Start College,

Then He Was Dying To Finish College And Start Working,

Then He Was Dying To Marry And Have Children,

And Then He Was Dying For His Children To Grow Old Enough So He Could Go Back To Work!

And Then He Was Dying To Retire.

And Then He DIED!

In Between All This He Forgot Something,


Don''t Let This Happen To You.

Appreciate Your
Have A Gud Day
Enjoy Life:)

Jun, 15 2010     473 chars (3 sms)     1813 views       Inspirational

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Life is a "Roller Coaster"
You can either scream everytime you hit a bump
You can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it ... (:
The Tragedy Of Life

Is Not That It Ends So Soon


That We Wait So Long To Begin It ...
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa:

"If you cannot love a person
whom you see,

then how can you love
GOD whom you have never seen"
An Educational
System Isn''t Worth
A Great Deal

If It Teaches
Young People
How To make A Living


Doesn''t Teach Them
How To Make A Life ...
It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task
which, more than anything else, will affect its
successful outcome.
In life whn u face choices,
just toss a coin,
not coz it settles d question
While d coin is in air u''ll knw wh8 ur heart really desires for.. (=
Success Will Never Lower Its Standard To Accommodate Us
We Have To Raise Our Standard To Achieve It . . .

“For Every Bird GOD Provides Food, But Not In Their Nest”
Smooth roads never make good drivers..

Smooth sea never make good sailors..

Clear skies never make good pilots..

Problem free life never makes a strong & good person..

Have a tough, but winning day ahead....

Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life..
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow,
we must fail in order to know,
Sometimes our vision clears only after our
eyes are washed away with tears.
View A Negative
Experience In
Your Life
Like How You Look
At A Photo Negative.
...A Single Negative
Can Create An
Unlimited Number Of
Positive Prints ! ! !
As Far As U Think
"Not NOW"

Success Becomes
"Never" ...


As Soos As U Think
"Why Not Now"

Success Surely Will Becomes
"Yours" ... =)
"Don''t let yesterday take up too much of today,becoz everything is in present..yesterday is the past that u have lived live today it won''t come again."