Like SMS Messages1046 messages

Relationships Are Like Traffic Signs



Do Not Enter

No U Turn

No Left Turn


The Best So Far Is

Give Way & Keep Right ... (:->
Life Is Not A

Cassette Player,

We Cant Enjoy

Our Favourite Songs.

But Life Is

Like A Radio,

We Have To

Learn To Enjoy

Whatever Comes.
KeEpInG a SmIlE oN yOuR fAcE,

wHeN iNsIdE yOu FeEl Like dYiNg,

FoR tHe SaKe Of SuPpOrTiNg OtHeRs,

MeAnS ...

... S.T.R.E.N.G.H.T ...
When The
Are Sweet ...


Special People
Like You
Are not
Forgotten ,

They Remain
Heart beats
Forever ... =)
If I Hadn''t Met U

I Wouldn''t Like U

If I Didn''t Like U

I Wouldn''t Love U

If I Didn''t Love U

I Wouldn''t Miss U


I Did

I Do


I Will...
A Relationship
Should Have
The Determination
Like A Mirror
Which Never Loses
Its Ability To Reflect
If It Is Broken In To
Thousand Pieces
The Wrong Kind Of
People DisLike You
For The Good In You


The Right Kind Of
People Like You
Knowing Even
The Bad In You ...

That''s Make A Good
Relationship .. !!!
Life And Love

Are Like

Hide And Seek.

People Spend

Their Whole Lives

Looking 4 Love,

But When They Finally

Forget To Look 4 It,

They Find It
Gr8 fRiEnDz ArE pArT
oF mEmOrIeZ
wHiCh TiMe
CaN nEvEr ErAsE
wHeN lIfE iZ
bLeSsEd WiTh FrIeNd
Like YoU
sWeEtEsT mEmOrIeZ
sTiLl ReMaIn ... (:
NeEdInG sOmEoNe Is
Like NeEdInG a
PaRaChUtE ...
If He IsN''t ThErE tHe
FiRsT tImE yOu NeEd
HiM, ChaNcEs ArE yOu
WoN''t Be NeEdInG hIm
AgAiN ... (= ;->
My PHONE Lubs It
When U Text ...
Its Litle Face
Lights Up
Bursts Into Beep
Has Ur Name
Written All Over It
I Think U Shud Text
More Often,
It Likes U Like Me ... =)
My relationshp wid u is Like
Break it
Crush it
Squeez it
and evn
Beat n grind it

u wl alwayz
get swetness