Like SMS Messages1046 messages

Chena Prithibe Aachena Lage
Likechi Kobita Tomar Name
Jossona Akase Bristi Jore
Bijechi Ami Tomar Preme!!
(? _; ( (? ( )- _; ( ( )- (? - _; ( (? - ( ) - _; ( ( ) - (? _; ( (? I miss u Like Crazy
All mornings are Like Paintings:-
U need a little inspiration to get going,
a little smile to brighten up
An SMS from someone who cares to color ur day...

(*) Good Morning (*)
crush it,
twist it,
squeez it,
beat it to pulp;
all that u’ll get only
Every Life In This World
Is Painted By GOD.
I am Thankful To Him
Because When He
Painted My Life
Beautiful Colour
Like U…..
As My Friend.
A wonderful EID CARD for a wonderful friend Like you

( ¤ APPY,*,¤,
,*,¤,"EID",¤,*,¤, ,*¤,MUBARAK",¤,*,¤,*,
Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love Like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into
So mothers, be good to your
daughters too.. !
When a Girl Accepts Your Friend
it means she accepted Your
"Friendship" Not Your "Proposal"..
When a Girl sends you a Friend
Request it means She wants to be your
Friend not Your Girlfriend.
When She Tag you
it means she wants to share her
Thoughts with You
'n not that She's Lost in Your Thoughts..
When she comments on Your status
it means She's just being Social 'n
not Flirting..
When She Like Your comment
it means She Like Your Comment not You. !
Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love Like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too.. !
Girl : Have You Seen
My Identical Twin Sister
Any Where … ????

Santa : Not At All
How Does She Look Like … !!! ;->
ALLAH’s Pharmacy Is Amazing…
A sliced Carrot Looks Like the human eye and it greatly enhances blood flow to the eyes!
A tomato has 4 chambers & is red just Like the heart. A Tomato is loaded with LYCOPINE that is pure heart & blood food!
A Walnut looks Like the brain and Helps develop more than 3 dozen neurotransmitters to enhance brain function!
Beans are Kidney shaped and they Heal and help to maintain kidney functions!
Subhan Allah!
New Friends
are Like
Old Friends
are Like
don’t Foget
as these are
required to sing