Like SMS Messages1046 messages

Like words written on sand,
To be washed away by a rough tide.
Or, Like a name etched on a rock
Withstanding the assault of time.
Like a tear unshed,
Stalling the ache.
Or, a deluge uncontrolled.
Drowning hope in its wake.
Life is Like a novel.

It is filled with suspense.

You hav no idea wat is going to happen

until u turn the page.

so enjoy each moment of life.
Life is Like a novel.

It is filled with suspense.

You hav no idea wat is going to happen

until u turn the page.

so enjoy each moment of life.
I wonder what would happen if we treat our Quran Like we treat our phones.
What if we carry it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turn back to o get it if we forget it?
What if we flip through it several times a day?
What if we use it to receive messages from the text?
What if we give it to kids as gifts?
What if we use it as we travel?
Trust is Like an elastic

being stretch by two people.

As long as u hold on it,

ul be happy.

The moment one leaves,

the other gets the terrible pain.
4 Facts To Live Better LIFE:

Never Say Sorry To One.. Who Likes U,
Never Say Bye To one.. Who needs U,
Never Blame The One.. Who Really Trust U..
Never ForGet The One.. Who Alwaz Remmbers U..!!
If we desire to blossom Like a rose in the garden,

then we must learn the art of adjusting with the thorns.

Difficulties will make you shine
Happiness is
Like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m
RAHUL..... Happiness is
Like butterflys,
you run after it,
it keeps flying
away, if you
stand still,
it coms and
sits on your
shoulder. . .
so wish you
lots of butterflys
in your life.
i wish to
god for you
you will
always happy.
afterll i''m
Rich people travel in cars
poor people travel in carts
but people Like u
always travel in hearts
A Good person is Like a Lighthouse. It doesn''t Ring Bells & Fire Guns to call Attention to itself. It simply Shines just Like YOU
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it Like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it’s worth.
a single smile just Like mine,
could travel round the Earth