
When The
Are Sweet ...


Special People
Like You
Are not
Forgotten ,

They Remain
Heart beats
Forever ... =)

Jun, 19 2010     171 chars (2 sms)     2335 views       Decent

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So simple it is to Live.

So simple it is to Love.

So simple it is to Smile.

So simple it is to win.

But it''s too difficult to be so simple.
"Time is lyk a river! U cann''t touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that hz passed vil nevr pass again. "njoy evry *Moment of life cuz it wil never cum back..,
When you want to enjoy life, think today as your life''s First day. When you want to achieve something in life, think today as your life''s Last day.
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine after the rain.
When a love comes to an end, weak cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and the wise already have one in reserve...
So b wise always ;-
If you are comfortable in standing alone...

The world will come to you seeking
The secret of your success.
UnErAsAbLe MoMeNtS oF LiFe ... !!!

Giving Someone A Hug When U Need It The Most Urself !

Fighting Back The Tears In ur Eyes Juz To Wipe Of Someone Else''s Tears

Listening To Somebody''s Grief When Ur Misery To b Heard

Being d Reason Of Smile On Someone''s Face Whn Ur Own Smile Is Lost ...

Think Upon It .. !!!
Tragedy of life:

Just about the time

when our income gets us

to a point where

food prices dont

matter anymore,

Calories start to

matter! ;-)
A candle may melt
and its fire may die,
but the love you have given me
will always stay as a flame in my heart.
forever is good...but i think today is forever bcoz what we sow ...we reap that...what we do today will reflect forever
Ittefaq se hum mile,
Ittefaq se aap hume pasand aaye,
Ittefaq se hum dost bane,
Humari dosti ab ittefaq nahi,
Zindagi ki khoobsurat hakikat hai
Isn’I It Nice Feeling
When You Think
I have Forgotten You

Suddenly You Receive A Message
Saying U’re Alwayz Remember & Greatly Missed