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Good friends are Like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly. Good friends are Like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
Good friends are Like angels

that lifts us up,

when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
A true friend is Like a cool shadow of tree
When you get tired of hot weather
You sit under this shadow of friendship

"Be my true friend for always"
Love is Like a missed-call
It stops before you catch it
But Friendship is Like an "SMS"
It comes to you inbox and stay
Whenever you read it
It makes you happy
and this stay in your inbox until you delete it

Respect you friends
A Philosopher has very nicely said
"Friend is Like blood, though they are not seen in your skin but it comes out when you are wounded"
A Philosopher has very nicely said
"Friend is Like blood, though they are not seen in your skin but it comes out when you are wounded"
Friends are Like mirror
You see yourself in it and
Come to know about your good and bad qualities.
It encourages you for good deeds and removes your bad qualities
Always respect your friends
A good friend is Like a Fragrance
When you remind of it
It makes you happy and feel good
And you are my good friend
The sweetness of chocolate remains
On tongue for sometime but the
Sweetness of friends Like remains
In heart forever and always
True Friends are Like Diamond
They are real and rare
And everyone want it

False Friends are Like sand and dust
They are scattered everywhere
And everyone hate it.

Your are my diamond, Take cares of yourself
Friendship is Like a string, when it breaks, it may be tied again but a knot comes there at the joint. So be careful about your friends and never try to break your friendship because it may be made again but there will be bad impression of break is left in the string of Friendship
Good Luck SMS for exam
may ur exams be Like the pieces of chocolate cake,
very easy and satisfying and tasting morvelous.
alot of love for a nice person and wish u good luck