Shadow of friendship

Shadow of friendship
A true friend is like a cool shadow of tree
When you get tired of hot weather
You sit under this shadow of friendship

"Be my true friend for always"

Dec, 13 2014     155 chars (1 sms)     2331 views       Friendship

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Heart has 4 chambers

1 Chamber for God
1 Chamber for Papa
1 Chamber for Mom
1 Chamber for Love
No chamber for Friends
Because Friends are heart-beats
And Life is due to these heart-beats
Jinki yaad mei hum dewane ho gaye
woh humhi se begane ho gaye
shayad unhe talash hai naye dosto ki
kyoki unki nazar mei ab hum purane hogaye
Hold a true friend with both your hands,
don"t let go 4 true friend comes once in a lifetime.
That"s why i"m holding you tight! Cant let U go.
Why We Make Friends ???

They Understand
Just By Looking In Ur

U Can Say
Something Stupid Or
Expose Ur Deepest
Secrets To Them

They Believe In
Ur Dreams, No Matter
How Silly They May Seem

They Love U
For Wh8 U r

& Finally

Everything U Do Together
Becomes A Memory ... =)
One True Slogen!

Friend Is A

Medicine For

Any Kind Of Pain,


There Is No

Medicine Found

In The World

For Pain

Given By A Friend.

Our friendship is so beautiful to me.
Like a bird, it flies free.
It shines brightly like the sun.
Whoever knew friendship was so fun?
It lifts us up, never lets us down.
Never ever does it make us frown.
Our friendship makes us blessed.
It is definitely the best!
True Friends are like Diamond
They are real and rare
And everyone want it

False Friends are like sand and dust
They are scattered everywhere
And everyone hate it.

Your are my diamond, Take cares of yourself
A Friend Is Someone

Who Can See The Truth

And Pain In You

Even When You

Are Fooling

Everyone Else.
the recipe of friendship 1 cup of sharing
2 cups of caring 3 cups of 4giveness
mix all of these 2gether to make friends 4ever
Seperations r those wounds

tht nobdy can heal.

N memoris r those treasures

tht nobdy cn steal.

Bt do nt separate

to make memories.

Stay in touch!
The minds of 2 friends r like the
lines of railway track they may not meet but has 2 go 2gether
2 save the derailment of train called
Not talking to strangers is a waste of life. Because remember that at one point your best friend was a stranger.