I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

| LiFe FuNdA |

Love...... what you''ve got,
Remember....... what you had,
Learn from..... your mistakes,
Never regret,
People change,
Things go wrong,
Remember Life Goes On.....
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
Plant the seed of desire in your mind
it forms
a nucleus with power to attract to itself......
everything needed for its full-fill-ment....
hold on before its too late,
dont fall until we leave trouble behind

be who u are, thats all u need in your life,

nothing seems real...until its lost
Life is too short. So, follow some rules: Forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & never avoid anything that makes U smile...
Never Explain Urself To AnyOne
B''coz The Person Who Likes U
Doesn''t Need It
The Person Who Dislikes U
Won''t Beleive It .....
Life doesn''t provide Warranties & Guarantees... it only provides possibilities & opportunities for those who dare to make best use of it! Gud Day!
Nature has given u a face,
but u have to provide the xpression.
Be Careful When u express,
coz ur every Expression Will Leave An Impression
Best cosmatic for the lips is truth,

For the voice is prayer,

For the eyes is pity,

For the hands is charity,


For the heart is care........ :->
One fine day,all of us wil get busy with our lives,long working hours,friends and sms,won''t have time for ourselves,at such a day you''ll look outside your
window and see the good old memories flash you by and you''ll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you''ll turn back to your work thinkin i wish i could go
back.. thank u for being a part of such memories
Life''s lessons

1) Destiny is simply strength of our desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows double. If you laugh at a trouble it disappears like a bubble...

2) Don''t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the entire earth with carpet.

3) Every king was once a helpless baby and every great building was once a blue print. Its not where you are today, but where you''ll reach Tomorrow.

4) In the race between cat and mouse, the mouse mostly wins, because the cat is running for the food & mouse for its life. Remember purpose is more important than need.
Zara bhi un k chehray say pata chalta nahi dil ka
Eibarat itni mushkil hai k hum tafseer parhtay hain