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Expect Less From Life And You Would Be The Happiest Person In The World
If You Don’t Get What U Wished For, You Would Not Get Agreived
& If You Get It You Would Get What You Didn’t Expect
So simple it is to Live.

So simple it is to Love.

So simple it is to Smile.

So simple it is to win.

But it''s too difficult to be so simple
Victory isn''t a dream, it isn''t imaginative ¬ impossible to achieve. Its just d state of mind.
If U have a mindset to win, U can''t loose
A Nice Thought:

Keep all your troubles in your pocket,

but be sure that your pocket as a hole in it..
No one can beat

this old man''s t-shirt Quote:

I am not 50...

I am 18

with 32 years of experience ;-)
A beautiful saying :-

Sumtimes v put walls around our heart,

not just to b safe frm getting hurt,

bt 2 find out who cares enough

2 break d walls & get closer !!!
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

AlL LoVe

ThAt HaS No FrIeNdShIp FoR ItS BaSe

Is LiKe A MaNsIoN bUiLt UpOn ThE SaNd
= = = t0dAyZzZ ThOuGhT = = =

Every Thing That Happens Has A Purpose . . .
Every Purpose Is Sculpted Out Of A Dream . . .
Every Dream Is A Stepping Stone To a Vision . . .
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

The trouble with a Rat race
is that even if u win,
u are still a Rat.
So Always run with Lions.
No matter even if u r defeated,
u are still a Lion.
Never tell a lie to anyone about his love(That he is gonna die), May your this lie Cause a person to Heart Attack or even death.

Do You wana be cause of anyone''s Death, if not then stop April Fooling
Mistake ? ?

When U Make a Mistake, There R Only Three Things U Should Ever Do About It :

Admit It,

Learm From it,

And Don''t Repeat It.
Luck decides whom u meet in life,
Ur heart decides whom u want in life.
But, its destiny that decides who gets
to stay in your life.