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||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

The trouble with a Rat race
is that even if u win,
u are still a Rat.
So Always run with Lions.
No matter even if u r defeated,
u are still a Lion
Never tell a lie to anyone about his love(That he is gonna die), May your this lie Cause a person to Heart Attack or even death.

Do You wana be cause of anyone''s Death, if not then stop April Fooling
Mistake ? ?

When U Make a Mistake, There R Only Three Things U Should Ever Do About It :

Admit It,

Learm From it,

And Don''t Repeat It.
Luck decides whom u meet in life,
Ur heart decides whom u want in life.
But, its destiny that decides who gets
to stay in your life.
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Find Time For The Special Ones In Your Life . . .


One Day You Will Find Time


Not The Special One To Share It . . .
Dont Pray For A Path Less Difficult


Pray For A Path MOre Challenging

Only Then
Will U Not Pray To Find A Partner To LUV


Pray To Find Someone Worthy Of Ur LUV
Life is too short..!

stick to these rules:

Laugh a lot,
love truly,
forgive quickly,
no regets,
no complaints,
accept and move on....!!!

Just enjoy life
In the fight between wave & rock on seashore,

Wave always wins.

Not through strength,

but through persistence.

Dont ever give up until you win.
Sometimes When words lost there meanings
They bcum simple lines......

One who give sum thing to u
Is best what one has to give..
This shows how much one cares 4 u.....
ur thought became ur words
ur words became ur nature
ur nature became ur habbit
ur habbit became ur character
ur character defines u!
3 Sentences For Getting Success
a) Know More Than Other
B) WORK More Than Other
C) EXPECT More Than Other

When U Feel God Is Rubbing U Against Rocks
Dont Think That U Will Ruin Down To Dust
Its Just His Way Of Polishing A Gem...!

Stay Precious