I____u SMS Messages5024 messages

| 2dayz thought |

If you''re waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you''ll surely regret this day.

Gud Day!
| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |

Our life begins with our cry,

Our life ends with other''s cry.

Try to utilize this gap n

laugh as much as possible

between these cries.
Express urslf such

dat ur enemies too remembr u.

Laugh such tht

ur sadnes too laughs vit u.

Live ur life such

dat GOD too feels proud of u.










Memories Sumtimes Behave In a Crazy Way .

They Leave U Alone , When U R In Crowd & When u R Alone They Stand With U Like A Crowd :)
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Exhausts U,irritates U&sometimes demoralizes U...
it gives u d elegant reward of life time called SUCCESS.......!!!!!!!!!
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

"Challenges in life come in 3 broad categories: easy, difficult and impossible.

Those who take on only the easy have a safe and boring life.

Those who take on the difficult have a tough but satisfying life.

Those who take on the impossible are remembered"
Express urslf such

dat ur enemies too remembr u.

Laugh such tht

ur sadnes too laughs vit u.

Live ur life such

dat GOD too feels proud of u.
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Nature has given u a face,

but u have to provide the expression.

Be careful when u express,

coz ur every expression

will leave an impression.
WhEn n0thing sEEms right,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn dArknEss is in da sight,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ppl disAppoint u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn apportunitiEs R fEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn frustrAtions engulf u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn fAilurErs r in viEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ur own lEts u down, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn instEAd of smilEs u gEt da frowns, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn ur judgEmEnts goEs wrong, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn u fEEl wEAk n wAnAA b strong, kEEp da FAITH

kEEp da FAITH n don lEt it go!!!
{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers.
When we are married,

our brides get the presents and the publicity.

When we die, our widows get the life insurance.

What do women want to be liberated from?
Life is a Rope that Swings us through Hope,
Always believe Today is much better than Yesterday and Tomorrow will be Best than Today!..