Hard SMS Messages189 messages

Mother''s Quote

Thomas Edison''s Mother:
"Of course Im
Proud Tht U Inventd
Electric Bulb. Nw Turn
It Off & Get 2 Bed"

Albert Einstein''s"
"Its Ur Senior Picture,
Can''t U Do Someting
Abt Ur Hair?
Styling Gel, Mousse

Abraham Lincoln''s:
"Agn Wid d Stovepipe Hat?
Can''t U Just Wear A Baseball
Cap Like The Othr Kids ?"

"Cant U Paint On Walls
Like Other Kids? Do
U''ve Any Idea How Hard
It Is 2 Get Tht Stuff
Off d Ceiling "

A Man Was Injected
With A Deadly Poison,
It Did Not Kill Him.
Why ... ??


Think Harder


He Was Already
Dead.. ;->

Computer Is Shameless



B''coz, It Has Hardware & Software But



He didnt lyk d curry &
He didnt lyk my cake
He said my biscuits
were 2Hard
Not lyk his mother
used 2 make
I didnt prepare
coffee rite
He didnt lyk the stew
I didnt mend his socks
d way his mother used 2
I pondered 4 an answer
I was looking 4 a clue
Isnt dere anything I
cud do 2 match his
mothers shoe?
Then I smiled as I
saw light
1 Thing I cud definitely
I turnd around &
slapped him tight
Just like his mother
used 2 ... ;->

He didnt lyk d curry &
He didnt lyk my cake
He said my biscuits
were 2Hard
Not lyk his mother
used 2 make
I didnt prepare
coffee rite
He didnt lyk the stew
I didnt mend his socks
d way his mother used 2
I pondered 4 an answer
I was looking 4 a clue
Isnt dere anything I
cud do 2 match his
mothers shoe?
Then I smiled as I
saw light
1 Thing I cud definitely
I turnd around &
slapped him tight
Just like his mother
used 2 ... ;->

FuNnY bUt TrUe

A Celebrity Is Someone Who Works Hard
All His Life To Become Known
& Then Wears Dark Glasses
To Avoid Being Recognised. "


V can use tears as a threat. ;->

Most guys wont hit us. ;->

V can always find someone to pay for our drink. ;->

V slap Hard. ;->

V''re tempting. ;->

V dont have to pay for dinner. ;->

V''re the subject of almost ALL the love songs. ;->

No matter how mean v r, v can always get someone to fall in love wid us. ;->

We dont always mean wht v say. ;->

V dont always say wht v mean. ;->

Our Handwriting is Always Better... ;->
50th Birthday Messages

The years between fifty and seventy
are the Hardest.

You are always being asked to do things,

and yet you are not

decrepit enough

to turn them down.
Being a great mother is a very Hard role,
but mother u r the star for this one I know,
I love you Mom. Happy Mothers Day