Hard SMS Messages189 messages

To forget you is Hard to do and to forget me is up to you.
Forget me not, forget me never.
Forget this text, but not the sender.
Never abandon old friends. They are Hard 2 replace.
Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.
Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER.
Without humor, life sux.
Without courage, life is Hard.
Without love, life is hopeless.
Without friends like you, life is impossible!
Friend ship is a snow man
Easy to make But Hard to keep
As Precious As U Are To Me,
As Precious No One Can Ever Be,
I Know All Friends Are Hard To Choose,
But You Are The One
Friendship is the Hardest thing in the world to explain. It''s not something you learn in school. But if you haven''t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven''t learned anything

As Precious As U Are To Me,
As Precious No One Can Ever Be,
I Know All Friends Are Hard To Choose,
But You Are The One

Friendship is the Hardest thing in the world to explain. It''s not something you learn in school. But if you haven''t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven''t learned anything
Friendship is like standing on wet cement,
the longer you stay the Harder it is to leave,
and you can never go without leaving your foot
print behind...
The companions of our childhood always
possess a certain power over our minds
which Hardly any later friend can
A to Z

A= A Wonderful Person
B= Best
C= Careful
D= Decent
E= Efficient,Exuberant
F= Friendly
G= Great
H= Hardy
I= Intelligent
J= Jocund
K= Knowledgable,Kindhearted
L= Lucky
M= Merciful
N= Noble
O= Open minded
P= Peerless
Q= Quizzical
R= Reliable
S= Sincere
T= Telented
U= Unique
V= Very Especial
W= Worthy
X= Xone de Shaan
Y= Youthful
Z= Zealous
Life can b Hard,

nt always fun.

Night brings darkness

and morning brings sun.

Wn life seems tough

n nobdy seems to care,

Dil se Karna yaad,

I''ll b there.