Life can b hard

Life can b hard
Life can b hard,

nt always fun.

Night brings darkness

and morning brings sun.

Wn life seems tough

n nobdy seems to care,

Dil se Karna yaad,

I''ll b there.

Jun, 16 2010     177 chars (2 sms)     2242 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

rab se aap ki khushi mangtay hain,
duaao mein aap ki hansi mangtay hain,
sochtay hain kia mange aap se,
chalo aap ki umar bhar ki dosti mangtay hain...!
Friendship is like a string, when it breaks, it may be tied again but a knot comes there at the joint. So be careful about your friends and never try to break your friendship because it may be made again but there will be bad impression of break is left in the string of Friendship

Are Angels ...

Who Lift Us

To Our Feet

When Our Wings

Have Trouble Remembering

How To Fly ... :)
A False Friend
Sends The Pain In To
Your Heart & Laves It There...


A True Friend
Will Send The Pain
Below & Kick It Out...
Forever ... =]
Dosti insan ki zaroorat hai,
Dilon pe dosti ki huqumat hai,
Aap ke pyar ki wajah se zinda hain warna
Khuda ko bhi hamari zaroorat hai.
Sometime its better to bunk a class & do masti with friends...Bcoz
when i look back....
Marks never make me laugh but memories
Only Your

Real Friends

Will Tell



Your Face

Is Dirty.

~Sicilian Proverb
Kabhi lagta hai
dosti kuch nahi,

Kabhi lagta hai dosti bin kuch nahi,

Kabhi lagta hai tum kuch nahi,


Kabhii lagta hai..

"Tum bin kuch nahi.!!
A Friend Is A Sweet Gift

An Emotnal Lift

A Heart Healer

A Mood Chiller

A Gem So Rare

An Answerd Prayer

A Hapy Mate


1 Word Its YOU

My Dear
You Are The Most

Beautiful Flower

In My Garden Of Friendship,

Remain The

Same Forever

WhO iS a TrUe AnD gReAt FrIeNd?

OnE wHo aTtEnDs ThE WaItInG CalL oF A fRiEnD wHeN LoVeR Is in ThE LiNe.
Leave SOMETHING for friend..

Never Leave FRIEND for something..

coz in life, SOMETHINGS will leave u but
FRIENDS will always live with u