friends may be

friends may be
friends may be old friends may be new.
real friends are very few.
so when ever you are rember one thing that
some one may be thing oo you.....

Jun, 17 2010     145 chars (1 sms)     2265 views       Friendship

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FrIeNdShIp . . .

Is cErTaInLy

ThE fInEsT bAlM

FoR tHe PaNgS oF

DiSaPpOiNtEd LoVe ... =)
Dil dard ke samander me doob gaya,
magar in ankho se roya na gaya,
Tha itna pyaar ess Dil me k,
uske bagair kabar me bhi soya na gaya
R e m e m b e r !!

The greatest gift
Is not found
In a store nor under a tree,
In the hearts of
F R I E N D S ... (=
Making Friends Is Not Abt

Collecting Pearls Or Diamonds!

Its Abt Accepting One As Coal

N Wait Til D Warmth

Of Frndship

Turns It To Diamond.
YOU can b a doctor & save lives,
a lawyer & defend lives,
a soldier & protect lives,
or simply b YOURSELF -
a Fabulous Friend who TOUCHES LIVES!
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains;
as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits.
As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste.
PaIn Of MisSinG FrIeNdS iSn''T tHiEr aBsEnCe . . .
ItS WhEn U ThInK oF ThE gOOd TyMs u HaVe ShaReD & U aSk UrSeLf
"WiLl ThOsE mOmEnTs eVeR hApPeN aGaIn"
ThAt''s FrIeNdsHiP
A true friend scolds like a DAD..

Cares like a MOM..

Teases like a SISTER..

Irritates like a BROTHER..

and finally loves U more than a LOVER.

Send this to all ur gud friends even me if I am 1 of them.
After a quarrel, a wife said to
her husband, "You know, I was
a fool when I married you."
The husband replied, "Yes,
dear, but I was in love and didn''t notice." ;->
Making a million friends is not a miracle,
the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you
when millions are against you.
Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your
friends, and me if I
am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED!!! Here are
the numbers of what
kind of friend you are based on how many you get

1-3 ~ you''re a bad friend
4-6 ~ you''re an okay friend
7-9 ~ you''re a good friend
10+ ~ you''re great friend
Lips Dont Join When You Say
L O V E,

That Is a Sign Of Distance .

But When You Say

Lips Join,

That Is a Sign Of Togetherness.