If A is 1 B is 2 C is 3

If A is 1 B is 2 C is 3
A is 1
B is 2
C is 3
Z is 26 then
Interesting hai naa...
Friendship is twice stronger than Love...

Jun, 17 2010     174 chars (2 sms)     2131 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Awesome Self Respect Line I Have
Ever Heard...
"If its going to be hard
for People to Choose between Me 'n
Someone Else
I would allow them to Choose the Other One
I 'm not an OPTION".. !
FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn"T Be BoUgHt
Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS
FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!
Friendship Is Not Written By Chalk

2 Erase Or Write Again.

It''s Written With Da Ink Of Love

On The Wall Of Heart

Once Written Can''t Be Changed Dat Frndship.
A deep friend is like rainbow,
when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed,
the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.
A daily thought...

A silent tear...

A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep...

Memories of our frenship i''ll always keep!!
is a Sun, which rises,
only when Ur heart has
set on it
is a Throne, U can sit,
only when U share Ur
kingdom wid it ... !
Few realation in Earth Never Die.
Want to know What is it ? Read again..
(F) Few (R) Realation (I) In (E) Earth (N) Never (D) Die
Aksar dosti karne wale,
apne dost ki tarif karte rehte hain
Taki wo unse juda na ho jaye.
Hum isliye khamosh rehte hain,
taki un par koi aur fida na ho jaye.
Perhaps, the most delightful
friendships are those in
which there is much
agreement, much disputation,
and yet more personal liking
I might run out of cute graphics to send you
but i will never run out of this

Minutes r small,Hrs are less,Days are short,
Months are few,Years r not enough to be with you,
i can take 10 more Briths if I get a cool friend like you
A bEsT fRiEnD
iSn''T sOmEoNe,
WhO iS jUsT aLwaYz
tHeRe fOr YoU ...
It''S sOmEoNe wHo
uNdErSaTnDs YoU
a BiT mOrE tHaN
YoU uNdErStAnD
yOurSeLf ... (=