Be Slow To Fall In

Be Slow To Fall In
Be Slow To Fall In


When Thou Art In

Continue Firm
Constant . . . [-_-]

Jun, 16 2010     120 chars (1 sms)     1882 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

A lover Says, i will be with in all your troubles...
a good friend says...u will have no trouble when i m wid u...

Are Like

"Marsh Mellow" In "Hot Chocolate"


"Hot Chocolate" Is Good Without


Its No Fun Drinking It ... :)
The World''s Most Happiest

Friends Never Have

The Same Characters. . .

They JusT Have The

Best Understanding

Of Their Differences. . .
Friendships May Be

Like The Seasons,

Blowing Hot And Cold,


But Always Needed

Whatever The Weather
Age appears to be best in some things.
Old wood best to burn. Old books best to read.
Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep
A Stone Dropped In
Water In A Moments
Its Gone
Dere''ll b 1000 Ripples
Circling On & On
2day Im Here
2morow Im Gone
Dere''ll b 1000
Memorie Echoing
On & On
A is 1
B is 2
C is 3
Z is 26 then
Interesting hai naa...
Friendship is twice stronger than Love...
Pugrey wery mohabbata de ta rakheye wara lakey,

Mere jay nadan de laa bey jamday jara katakey,

Bar na devana jila kumbida zamana dila hatha wich ley k areyan,

Teri tey gila hai sanu pagla delavey kanu laalaeyan tu yariyan,
friendship is a gift when it is new..
it"s a miracle when it is true..

but u know wat?

it"s a blessing when it is you(",).
if u find faults in any of his/her behaviour,

just ignore d faults n forgive dem.

Coz act of forgiveness is necessary

in true relationship
Have u ever THANKED frnds.
For their smiles?
Their hellos?
Their taps at ur back?
Their way of calling ur name?

Imagine ur friends never doing tht anymore,
could u bear it?
"small things usually go unoticed,
but in reality,
they are the ones who make life look so easy n cheerful:

"I THANK YOU 2 my dear" :-)
Some friends are like a Flower. and when they finally bloom they wilt away in just one day and some times just by noon. Some friends are like a cloudy day and when the sun's in sight. it gets blocked by the grayest cloud