smile SMS Messages555 messages

The 10 Qualities
Of Perfect Friend
Must Have

1 Great & Brave Heart

2 Sweet & Soft Voice

3 Sharp & Fast Brain

4 Cute & Stupid smile

5 Loving & Caring

6 Confident

7 Attractive

8 Deep Connectivity

9 Power Of Speaking

10 Power Of Hearing
Lie About Their Self ... ;->
I Miss Ur Face
I Miss Ur Voice
I Miss Ur smile
I Miss Ur Call
I Miss Ur Company
I Nevr Mis Ur
Honest & Sweetest
I Believe

As Diamonds Are Forever
Friends Are Also Forever

When They Are There Make You smile
When You Are Going Through A Mile

Friends Are Like Flowers
Whose Fragnance Add Essence To Your Life

As A Dictionary Without Words Is Meaningless
Similarly Your Life Without Friends Is Meaningless

As Words Build Sentences
Your World Is Built By Your FRIENDS (:
*Best Buddies*
are hard to find..
So Today I choose to thank u 4 evrytime U made me smile, laugh,
4 evrytime U helped,
wiped a tear
I apologize 4 any inconvenience I caused,
4 evrytime I was rude,
4 anything that hurt U..
Thank U for being a great part of My Small Life :)
After 20 years of friendship a friend asked his buddy:
"How come we travelled so far in this friendship?"

His buddy smiled and said:
"I know what you are,
I understand what you cannot be"...

"I am happy at what you are, and I compromisd on what you cannot be"...

That''s how we are here...!! (:
Best lines said by a cute friend:

It hurts me wen U talk 2 someone else and not 2 ME,
It hurts more when some1 else makes U smile and i cant.,
Have u ever THANKED frnds.
For their smiles?
Their hellos?
Their taps at ur back?
Their way of calling ur name?

Imagine ur friends never doing tht anymore,
could u bear it?
"small things usually go unoticed,
but in reality,
they are the ones who make life look so easy n cheerful:

"I THANK YOU 2 my dear" :-)
Diz Is SpEcIaLy For You

If your heart is broken tell me, I''ll get the glue =P

If you are lost in life call me, I''ll come find you (=

If you''re sad =( please just text me, it''s my obligation to make you smile =)


If you''re happy let me know =D We''ll celebrate in a unique style. ;->

Many ppl give U
"Crying Tears n Laughing smiles"
Dere r few ppl who give U "Laughing Tears n Crying smiles"
Those very few r called
Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn,
glory of spring, May beauty of every season give
ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.May God suceed
u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & God bless u.
I Wish 4 " U " Great start 4 Monday No Obstacles 4 Tuesday
No stress 4 Wednesday No worry 4 Thursday smile 4 Friday
Party 4 Saturday & Great fun 4 Sunday "Have a beautiful
and smart week."
Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of
spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful
reason 2 smile. May God succeed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & God bless u.