smile SMS Messages555 messages

What is real but invisible?
Your Care.

What is true but unfair?
Your Absence.

What is sweet but naughty?
Your smile.

What is precious but priceless?
Our Friendship
Your smile is my sunrise, your kiss is
my sunset. Thank you for being the
most wonderful friend and companion.
When we are grown, we''ll smile and say we had no cares in childhoods day,

but we''ll be wrong. ''Twill not be true,

I''ve this much care... I care for you."
Light, Love, and Laughter...

A friend is light,
bright enough to conquer
the darkness of broken heart,
bringing sunshine to the soul,
making the whole world seem bright and hopeful.

A friend is love,
a special blessing from above,
bringing warmth to a heart grown cold,
making life a grand and exciting adventure.

A friend is laughter,
a gift of joy,
leaving behind a smile
and erasing all traces of woe,
making everything seem shiny and new.
Some joys are better explained in silence,
as a smile gets more audible than laughter.
I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with
you. I just smiled..:)
A friend is like an angle, who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
The world is like a mirror if u face it smiling, it smiles right back.
A Friend is never measured by the number of times he made u laugh.

But by the number of times he made u smile after u cried.
A Loving smile &a heart of gold
ur dearest person ths world cn hold
Though heart fails & life deprts
u''ll live as a frnd 4ever in my heart.
Definition of a true friend...

MY medicine when i m in pain..
MY letter when i m very far ...
my smile when i m sad..
MY hanky when i cry..
and ....

MY last one more breath when i DIE.....

this is what i define a s a friend..!!
Im not your friend if...
You whould rather keep quiet when you really waana talk!
Im not your friend if...
You hesitate to ask me to stay back when you think we should be together!
Im not your friend if...You take too much tine to tell me what i mean to you!
Am i ur friend???
A smile can take u milez..!!!

Is A CoMfOrTiNg smile ...

A FaMiLiaR smile
ThAt WarMs ThE HeaRt


ThE FrEeDoM tO bE tHe PeRsOn
GoD InTeNdEd .... =)
My Friend Should Be

My Medicine - When I''m In Pain

My Letter - When I''m Far

My smile - When I''m Sad

My Handkerchief - When I Cry


My Life - When I Die ...