smile SMS Messages555 messages

A smile Stadts On Lips . . . A Grin Spread To Eyes . . . A Cuckle Comes From The Belly . . . But A Good Laugh Bursts Forth From The Soul. . . Overflows & Bubbles All Arround :)
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it’s worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth
"One Can Cross An Ocean Widout Wetting His Legs
Cannot Cross His Lyf Widout Wetting his Eyez"
Yet We smile . . .
That''s Life . . .
I pray for you...
A life that you truly deserve, A life as good as your heart, A life as bright as your smile, A life as wonderful as you.
Have a Wonderful Day!!
When a msg is sent 4m a distance,
U can''t c the faces,
U can''t c the smiles,
But u can sense d care that truly comes 4m d Heart 2 say u "Take care". . . |''!''|
Dun Underestimate The Power Of A Touch
A smile, A Kind Word, A Listening Ear, An Honest Compliment, Or The Smallest
Act Ov Caring, All Of Which Have The Potential To Turn
A Life Arround . . . :)
A smile Is The Light

In Your



Tells Others


There Is A

Caring n Sharing

Person Inside . . .

Keep Smiling . . . =)


Stay Blessed
There''s Mothers Day And Fathers Day.
There Are Anniversaries And Birthdays.
But There Are No Special Days To Thank Someone Or To Apologize To Anyone.
They Can Be Done Anytime, Anyday.
Today I Choose To Thank You For Everytime
You Made Me smile, Laugh,
For Everytime You Helped,
Wiped A Tear. And I Apologize For Any Inconvenience I Caused,
For Every Time I Was Rude,
For Anything That Hurt You.
Thank You For Being A Great Part Of My Small Life:-)..
It Was An Ordinary Day
I Was Caught In My Routine When
Suddenly Something Made Me Think Of You.
I Paused For A Moment N smiled.
It Was No Longer An Ordinary Day…
Life Is Short

Forgive Quickly,
Believe Slowly,
Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,


Never Regret Anything

That Made You smile .
Some Joyz Are Better
Xpressed In Silence

As A smile Holds More
Meaning Than Words

I Was Asked If I Enjoy
Having U In My Life

I Juz smiled ...
Today Is " MCPS DAY ! "

"MCPS" Bole Toh -

"Make Cute People smile"...
I''ve Done My Part..!!