smile SMS Messages555 messages

Anyone can make you smile,
anyone can make you CRY,
But it is that special person
That can make you smile with tears in your eyes.
Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
Being with you is the best thing ever,
And loving you is what Ill do forever..
Good night
On dis cold cold night,
In my small small room,
I look at da bright bright stars,
In the dark dark sky,
And dream of ur sweet sweet smile,
On ur cute cute face!
Good Night!
All mornings are like Paintings:-
U need a little inspiration to get going,
a little smile to brighten up
An SMS from someone who cares to color ur day...

(*) Good Morning (*)
May God fill your birthday with smiles and happiness, and may you always know you are one...
Rose Is Famous For Grace.
Advocate Is Famous For His Case.
Horses r Famous For Race.
But u Are Famous For smile On Your
So keep smiling sweetheart........
"Perfect Friendship is not in Phone Calls & in Messages.

Its the Silent smile in your Heart when you think of your Friend."
I’ll always remember The day I married you,
Without you my love, my beauty,
I don’t know what I’d do
Your loving and thoughtful,
Just to mention two,
I adore your sweet smile
It makes me want you.
Happy Anniversary
Always smile ,you know why?
B’coz…..Hanso! Jiyo! …
Muskurao!…Kya Pata…
Kal Daant ho na ho!…
Keep smiling..
Always try to be more sensitive about peoples feelings.

Because sometimes a tear means happiness and a smile means hurt..
My mind stops when I think of you

It takes me in the palm of your arms

Despite the distance that separates us

It reminds me your sweet eyes

It takes me to your kisses

My heart can not forget

I think of your smile

That keeps me awake

But I’ll eventually fly

To our story its just beginning.

I Love You
You Can Hide Alot …
Behind A smile

B r o k e n
H e a r t

S h a t t e r e d
D r e a m s

L o n g i n g
D e s i r e s …