smile SMS Messages555 messages

Some times ur existence
gives hope to one person,

Your smile may be a pearl for someone,

Your presence might be the
desire of the 1 who loves U dearly.
I Had A Dream And It Was About You . . .
I smiled And Recalled The Memories We Had . . .
Then I Noticed A Tear Fell From My Eyes . . .

You Know Why?

Coz In My Dream You Kissed Me And Said Goodbye . . ."
When We Have The Heart To

Forget Those Who Made Us smile,

Why Cant We''ve The Heart To Forgive

Someone Who Made Us Cry.

Have Nice Day!
I''m Not Begging You To Love Me.
I''m Not Really Even Asking You To.
But Isn''t It Alright If I Cherish That Hope In My Heart ?
If I Just Dream Of Holding Your Hand It Will Hurt Me And Not You.
I''ll Try To Keep My Eyes From Shining When They See You And
I Promise Not To smile A Special smile When You Say Hello.
But Please...
Don''t Ask Me
Not To Love You.
A Special smile

A Special Face

A Special Some One I Cant Replace

I Love You & I Alwayz Will

You Have Filled A Space

No One Can Fill
Tears R Better Than smile Because,

U Can smile at Everyone,




U''ll Cry For Only One,


Who is Special to ur Heart..
Love begins with a smile ...

Grows with a kiss ...


Ends with a teardrop ...

Perfect Love Isn''t Receiving,
Its Giving & Forgiving

Perfect Love Isn''t Red Roses On Valentine''s Day,
Its The Rest Of The 364 Days Of Knowing You Love Someone

Perfect Love Is Not Phone Calls & Stolen Kisses,
Its The Silent smile In Memory Of Your Sweetheart

Perfect Love Isn''t A Grand Wedding,
But Spending A Lifetime Together

Perfect Love Isn''t Fight-kiss & Make-ups,
Its Loving The One Who Annoys The Hell Out Of You
Find The 1
That Makes Ur Heart smile
There r Moments In Life When U Miss Someone So Much That U Just Wanna Pick ''Em From Ur Dreams n Hug ''Em For Real (=
once a guy who recently had a breakoff wid her girlfriend was asked...........
have u left your girlfriend or she left you???
he smiled and answered ..............

I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone. I miss your lips, your lovely smile, I miss you each day more and more!
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile & Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME!