2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.

2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.
2 sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.
Sardar 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.
sardar 2 : Don’t worry, I have a one more.

May, 26 2010     146 chars (1 sms)     1917 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Lagey raho..

Lagey raho..

mainey khawaab mein daikha k mai Musharaf ki jagah saddar ban gaya hoon,
tum par bhi koi paabandi nahin jo marzi sapney daikho.. ;->
Are you know jAn|x?

Today is world women''s day . Kaash aap women hote men aapko happy women world day kehta. :-D.
What is the heaviest burden of ''''Life''''

An empty pocket... ;->
tEaChEr (sTuDeNt sE): tUM kAFI nA-LaIyak hO.
JuB hAM sTuDeNt tHaY tO kAFi kAbIL tHAY.

StUdEnTs:sIR, aApko tEaChEr kAbIL MILay hOn Ge,TaBhI AaP kABIL ThAy.

There Are Two Types
Of Women

1 - Without Whom You
Can''t Live (Every
Boyfriend Thinks So)

2 - With Whom You
Can''t Live (Every
Husband Thinks So ) ;->

Bohat Kiya intizar,
Lekin Nahi Aayi Pooonn ....



Wah g Wah...


kiy kehna...


Lekin Jab Aayi Pooon,

Sub Ne Kaha...!

Ooon Hooon .... ;->
When a Guy does Something Wrong...

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp !!!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/

When a Girl does Something Wrong...

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/


He didnt lyk d curry &
He didnt lyk my cake
He said my biscuits
were 2hard
Not lyk his mother
used 2 make
I didnt prepare
coffee rite
He didnt lyk the stew
I didnt mend his socks
d way his mother used 2
I pondered 4 an answer
I was looking 4 a clue
Isnt dere anything I
cud do 2 match his
mothers shoe?
Then I smiled as I
saw light
1 Thing I cud definitely
I turnd around &
slapped him tight
Just like his mother
used 2 ... ;->

Good Relations doesn’t need
any promises any terms or conditions..

it just need two wonderful people.
One cool like me..
one sweet like u!

Judge 2 a smart girl
U murdered ur frend jst bcoz she tore a page 4rm ur notebook?

Yes, bcoz that page had an autograph of "HumAyuN"
Uff ye grlz b na =P ;)
New Style Of Proposing:

Boy: Can I Take Your Photo?

Girl: Why?

Boy: Just Wanted to Show My Children
That How Their Mom Looked in her Younger age.
Sooo Sweet.
You are a DOG…
D = Darling
O = Of
G = Girls
Now u r smiling na?
Am i right??
Tu sach mein kutta hai