CNN News.

CNN News.

CNN News. Bush orders 15,000 FBI trained dogs to track down Osama. FBI awaiting further orders as one of the dogs is reading this


May, 24 2010     141 chars (1 sms)     1821 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Define a True Music Lover?

A Girl singing in a Bathroom
While Taking Bath
and a Boy Near the Keyhole
is Using His Ears Not His Eyes.
what is the height of kAnjoOsi...!

Buying second hand nAno cAr with LPG kiT..!
Santa found answer to the most difficult question ever- What comes first - the chicken or the egg?
O yaar, jiska order pehle doge, vo ayega!
Q - If YoU pLuGgEd
YoUr NoSe aNd YoUr
MoUtH wHiLe YoU
sNeEzEd ...
WoUlD It CoMe OuT Of
YoUr EaR
wOuLd YoUr HeAd ExPlOdE ... ?

=O ;->

Pakistani m0vies Fl0p Q h0ti hYn?

Bec0z j0 Act0r Hain Wo Hak0mat Sanmbhal k Bethay hYn.
Santa starts working in a Museum enquiry counter.
One man asks Santa - How Old is this Dinosaur''s fossil?
Santa - Hmmm... It is 70 million years and 23 days old
Man - How can you tell so accurately?
Santa - When I joined the museum 23 days back, they told me that it is a 70 Million Year old fossil and not to touch it.
Aik ganda msg sunaon?

aik larka hota hai,

wo gatar main gir jata hai
Aye Haye :_
1 Boy:Yar larkion ko “I love you”
kehnay ki sub se achi jaga kon si hai?
2 boy:Mazaar
1Boy:woh kion?
2boy:kion k wahan unke paon mein chappal nahin hoti.
Banta was amazed to find Santa playing chess with his dog.
He watched the game in astonishment for a while.

"I can hardly believe my eyes!" Banta exclaimed.

"That"s the smartest dog I"ve ever seen."

"Nah, he"s not so smart," Santa replied.

"I"ve beaten him three games out of five"
Defeating Or Beating
Me ...
Wake Up
Apologize ..

I''ll Forgive ... Coz
M Humble Na ... ;)
Kal 125 logo ko
bewakoof banaya.

niche dekho..

Aise hi..
Ab 126 HOGAYE.....;->

3 Idiots Would Have Been a More Bigger Hit.

If Kareena Kapoor Would''ve Also Once Said,


"Jahanpanaah Tussi Great Ho,
Tohfa Qabool Karo" :-)