
Arranged marriage :-

Rs 600000 -shaadi
RS 400000 - jwellery
Rs 50000 - shaadi ki rasme
Total - 10,50,000 RS

Love marriage :-

RS 100 - stamp paper
RS 20 - Notery
RS 50 - varmaala
RS 10 - photo

Total 180 RS

Paisa aapka...Pasand aapki...Faisla aapka

Jaago grahak jaago. lover k saath bhaago!! :P

Sep, 17 2011     335 chars (3 sms)     2385 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Pir Sahib went to a prostitute for sex.
after having fun the prostitute asked: " pir sahib paise ?"
Pir sahib replied " pagli ,tujh se thori na longaa "
31st March Or 1st april
Fool is Fool dosnt matter.
Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful
Fool Day to the King of Fools...;->

Teacher: Translate This Punjabi Sentence Into English

Ethay Tey Anni pai Hoi Aye.


A Blind Girl Is Sleeping Here.
Husband & wife are like liver and kidney.
Husband is liver & wife is kidney.
If liver fails, kidney fails.
If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.
1 smile = 1 friendship
1 friendship = 1 love
1 love = 1 proposal
1 proposal = 1 marriage
And 1 marriage = THOUSANDS of problem.
so better think before you smile.
A l w a y s
R e m e m b e r !!

Be nice to people until you have made your
"First Million Bucks"
After That,
People will be nice to you... =P ;)

New Degrees Of


Congratulations To
Justice Justice
Abdul Hameed "Doger"
For Achieving 2nd Degree
Of DOG ...
U R the one who is CHARMING
U R the one who is INTELLIGENT
U R the one who is CUTE
and I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS
Food for thought: Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear expensive branded clothes, when best things in life we do naked.
Dentist Ki Beti B.F Se: Aj Kitna Acha Moqa Tha Tm Mere Dad Se Shadi Ki Baat Krskty Thy.
Larka: Bs Aj B Mera Hosla Nhi Hua. Khmoshi Se 1 Or Dant Nklwa Kr Agya...
A Rose Is Always A Rose
Either It Is Planted In A Gold Pot Or In A Mud

Same Way You Will Always Be My Frnd Either You Are In Central Jail
Or In Mental Hospital
I want to meet u
i want to talk to u
i wnat to spend time wid u
i want to admire u
but this stupid gate keeper is saying
"The Zoo is closed"