I travel on bike because i dont have the thing causing motion due to circular motion of rubber shafted along the rod able to track direction over the movement of pistons due to the action of carbon n hydrogen producing flames in a chamber end resulting in the irreversable reaction of energy and gas and causing the friction of rubber along the concrete pebbles.
Fact about women:
They can see a hair of a girl
on their husband’s coat from 20 meters,
but can’t see a pillar from 2 meters
while parking a car . . . :-D
Once in a soap industry in Japan,da soap cover was mistakenely packed widout soap in it i-e empty box.2 avoid da problem in future they purchased X-Ray machine of million dollars 2 check whether soap is filled in cover or not in assembly line.
Same problem arose in a poor city of Pakistan. Wat did they do?They simply put a rotating fan beside assembly line.Empty boxes were flown away! Genius!