Hard work spotlight

Hard work spotlight
Hard work spotlights the character of people:

Some turn up their sleeves

Some turn up their noses,


Some don''t turn up at all.

Jun, 15 2010     141 chars (1 sms)     1819 views       Inspirational

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For success, it''s better to be like a turtle.

Sometimes scared and staying inside your shell for protection but never stopping, always walking,

in one direction to achieve the goal.
Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can b
Think 4 It-

Nev Er

Give Up!"

Winston Churchill
A Philosopher has very nicely said
"Friend is like blood, though they are not seen in your skin but it comes out when you are wounded"
The Leaves Will Wither & Die,
Life Goes On

The Branches Will Break
Life Goes On

Old Wood Is Tossed In To The Fire
Life Goes On

Seeds Sprout & New Growth Emerges
Life Goes On

Join This Caravan Or Stand By The Wayside
Life Goes On

Welcome Life Or Struggle Against It
Life Goes On
Simple Yet Effective ...

A Journey Of

1000 Miles

Begins With

A Single Step ...
Life Teaches U To Smile
Also Teaches U To Cry
It May Be Ironical
Its True That
U Can''t Know Value Of Smile Until U Cry
A man is not finished

when he is defeated.

He is finished when he QUITS.

So never QUIT because

winners never quit

and quitters never Win.
Tiny drops of water
Little grains of sands
Make the mighty Oceans
And the pleasant Lands
And the passing moments
Humble though they be
Make the mighty ages of Eternity
The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same.

Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
If You Have Built Castles In The Air,

Your Work Need Not Be Lost;

That Is Where They Should Be.

Now Put Foundations Under Them.
As A Mirror Reflects All The Things Held Before It


When Ur Mind''s Mirror Is Clam U Wud B Able To See Reflected In It

The True Qulaities Of Others