height of candle

height of candle
The height of candle may differ,but they yield
the same brightness.

Its not the matter of ur position,but its ur ability
that actually shines.

Apr, 07 2011     144 chars (1 sms)     2099 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Shed no tear! O shed no tear!
The flower will bloom another year.
Weep no more! O weep no more!
Young buds sleep in the root''s white core.
It has been said that we need
just three things in life:
Something to do.
Something to look forward to.
And someone to love..."
Tears Can some times Be More Special Than Smiles,


Smiles Can b Given to Every 1 ,
But tears Are Shed Only For The person V Truly Love...!
Mark Willson Said
"To Be The Subject oF Jealousy iS The Sign oF Failure iN Life,
tO Be The Object oF Jealousy iS The Sign oF Success iN Life" ;->
To Handle Yourself,

Use Your Head;

To Handle Others,

Use Your Heart.
"True guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest.
it does,nt show every think at once but gives enough light for the next step to be safe"
M o n e y
D o e s
N o t
S p e a k
B u t
I t s
A b s e n c e
S c r e a m s . . . =P ;)
"E" is the most unfortunate character in the alphabet.

It is always out of "cash", forever in "debt",

never out of "danger" and in "hell" all the time.

But notice that "e" is never in "war" and always in "peace."

It''s the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble."

Without "e", we would have no "love", "life" or "heaven."

Go E!
Holding On To Anger
Is Lyk
Grasping A Hot Coal
Wid The Intent Of Throwing
@ Someone Else
You Are One , Getting Burned
"A good servant is essential in every household

but i have never known how to keep anyone

as a servant."

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today?

Make kindness your daily modus operandi and
change your world.
People are not remembered by how few times they fail but by how often they succeed. Every wrong step is another step forward