PrIdE iS aN aDmIsSiOn

PrIdE iS aN aDmIsSiOn
PrIdE iS aN aDmIsSiOn Of WeAkNeSs ...

It SeCrEtLy FeArS aWl ThE cOmPeTiTiOn


dReAdS aWl RiVaLs ...

Jun, 15 2010     111 chars (1 sms)     2223 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

All The Water N The Ocean Could Never Sink A Ship Unless It Gets Inside . . .
Like Wise
All The Pressure Of Life Can Never Hurt You Unless U Let Them In. . .
A child on farm sees plane fly overhead
& dreamz of a far away place.
D Pilot on d plane sees d farmhouse
& dreamz of his home.
Dats life!:)
A Good Way To Change Somebody''s Attitude ...

Is To Change Ur Own ...


The Same Sun Hardens The Clay

Also Melts The Butter ... =)
Dont Be Happy For A Reason,

Because That Happiness Ends With The Reason.

Be Happy Without Any Reason

And U Will B Happy For Ever.

Be Happy N Stay Happy :-)
Every man has in himself a
continent of undiscovered character...

Happy is he who acts as the


to his own soul ...
Our Eyes Are Placed
In front
It Is More Important
To Look Ahead
To Look Back ...
Choose to love
rather than hate

Choose to smile
rather than frown

Choose to build
rather than destroy

Choose to persevere
rather than quit

Choose to praise
rather than gossip

Choose to heal
rather than wound

Choose to give
rather than take

Choose to act
rather than delay

Choose to forgive
rather than curse

Choose to pray
rather than despair . . .
Life is a series of experiences,
each one of which makes us bigger,
even though it is hard to realize this.
For the world was built to develop character,
and we must learn that the setbacks
and grieves which we endure help us
in our marching onward.
There Is No Better Time Than Now.
The Time To Live Is Now.
The Time To Dream Is Now.
The Time To Imagine And Forget The Past Is Now.
The Time To Shine Is Now.
The Time To Bleed, Sweat,
And Determine Yourself For
The Things You Want Most Is Now.
U Better Live Ur Best
Act Ur Best Today
For Today
Is The Sure Preparation
For Tomorrows
All Other Tomorrow
That Follow
Aik Scientific Sher Arz Hay...

Machhar K Kaatnay Se paPPu Ko Ho Gaya Maleria,

Pressure Is Equal To Force Per Unit Area... =P ;->

an 8 letter word

exhausts u

irritates u

& sometimes demoralizes u.

But it gives u

the elegant reward of life time

called "SUCCESS"