Q: Agar 1 door per kutta bhonk raha ho orr dosre door p biwi chilla
rahe ho tu ap pehle konsa door kholen g?
A: Kutte wala door coz kutta andar akar bhonkna band kar de g
Wishing u 12 months of happiness,
52 weeks of fun,
365 days of laughter,
8760 hrs of Gud luck,
525600 min of joy,
31536000 secs of success in 2005 & always
A teacher asked her class for sentences using the word "beans"..
My Father grows beans," said one student. "My father cooks beans," said
Then little Johnny spoke up: "We are all human beans."
Office may Kaam hote hain...
Galtiyo ka sama hota hai....
Aise mausam mein hi to PERFORMANCE jawan hota hai....
Dil ki khunnas BOSS jabaan se nahi kehte...
Ye fasana to appraisal mein bayan hota hai....
Dark were those days, without your sight. When I was in darkness, you gave me light. You gave me strength 2 make life bright. Thank you so much......>>> PHILIPS TUBELIGHT!!