Full Form Of Boys...
B - Badmashiyon Me Sab Se Aage.
O - Ollo0 Ki Tarah Raat Me Jaage.
Y - Yaarian Nibhate Jaan Laga K.
S - Shareef Sirf Maa Baap K Aage... ;->
A Memon Family rcvd a dead body of their Father 4m USA
letter on top writn, I m sendng ABBA''s body it ws his wish 2 b buried here.Under ABBA''s body r 12 cans of Cheese,10pk of Chocolates & 8pk of Badam.ABBA is wearing pair of Rebok Shoes 4 manjorBhai.dere r 2 pair of Shoes 4 Jubaida & Jarina.Abba is wearing 6 T-Shirts Large 1 is 4 Satar Bhai othrs r 4 Boys.2 Jeans Abba is wearng r 4 Boys.if u want anythin else then cal me coz AMMA is not feelin well..
Mulk e aziz ki salamti k liye student ko
1 hafta kya?
Aik saal b ghar ma bhetna paray tou
b is qurbani k liye hum tayyar hain