sorry SMS Messages158 messages

I Don''t Know Quite

How To Make Things Better Between Us

I Can Start By Saying

I''m sorry

I Really Am ...
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive

If I Cud Take It All Back I''d Do This So Instant

I Truly Didn''t Mean To Hurt You In Any Way

I''m sorry For Hurting You
I Know How Angry You Are ...


What You Must Be Going Through

So i Hope , You Know

How sorry I Am For All

That Happens Between Us ...

Please Forgive Me
If Tommorrow Neva Comes,
I Am sorry,
For All The Mean Things I Might Have Said..

I Am sorry,
For All The Things I Did Or Didnt Do..

I Am sorry,
If I Eva Ignored U..

I Am sorry,
If I Eva Made U Feel Bad Or Put U Down..

I Am sorry,
If I Eva Thought I Was Bigger Or Better Than U.

I Am sorry,
For Everythin Wrong I''ve Eva Done
I Am Writing This Coz Wat If Tomorrow Neva Comes?
Wat If I Neva Get A Chance To Say Bye Or Wat If I Neva Get To Say sorry. . . O_O
Words will not be able to ever express
how sorry I am for this,
and I have profound regret and sorrow
for the multitude of
mistakes and harm
I have caused.
I felt ashamed for what I had done.
I don''t have any excuses.
I did what I did.
I take full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I wouldn''t pawn this off on anybody.
I''m sorry it happened.
And I hurt people.
I feel sorry for the man who marries you...

because everyone

thinks you''re

sweet and you''re not.
It takes a strong person

to say sorry.

And an ever stronger

person to forgive.
Understand that no matter

how many times you say

you''re sorry

it wont wash away all the pain

and hurt you caused

and the tears you made me cry.
Dont You Hate It

When They Do Something Hurtful

And Then They Say sorry

And Expect

Everything Will Be Ok
sorry May Have Become

"Just Another Word",

But With


It Means The World.
im sorry baby,, i believe u''ll run & come to me & i''ll open my hand @ hug u i''ll wait for u till end of my life