It takes a strong person

It takes a strong person
It takes a strong person

to say sorry.

And an ever stronger

person to forgive.

Jun, 09 2010     88 chars (1 sms)     2002 views       Sorry

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Why Do I Always Forgive You?

I Let You Call Me So Many Names,

I Let You Treat Me Like Dirt,

Yet I''m Still Your Friend.
Am I Stupid?

Or Am I A

Good Friend?
If You Ask Me How Many Times

My Heart Has Been Broken,

Then I Ask You To Look Up

At The Sky One Night,

And Count The Stars.
The Weak Can Never Forgive.

F o r g i v e n e s s

Is The Attribute

Of The

S t r o n g.
naraz ku ho hum se kis bat pe ho rothe acha chalo ye mana tum sache hum hi jhote
kab tak chupao ge tum?
hum se ho piyar kerte
gusse ka hai dikhawa dil mai ho hum pe marte
If you aren''t willing to forgive someone,

then you don''t truly love them.
It takes a strong person

to say sorry.

And an ever stronger

person to forgive.
Don’t say “go away”
if your heart is saying a wise “I forgive”

Don’t say “I forgive”
when your heart is saying a wise “go away”
When you realize you''ve made a mistake,

make amends immediately.

It''s easier to eat crow while it''s still warm.







W r o n g.
I SPEAK only when I feel
my words are better than my silence..
Sometimes it may hurt or irritate others a lot..
So, I love my silence
"You Should Forgive Me,
And Do You Know Why?

Because I Can''t Stand The Thought
Of You Hurting Because
Of Someone Like Me,
And The Only Way You''ll Ever Stop Being Hurt
By Me,

Is If You Stop Hating Me
So You Can Just Forget That
I Ever Even Existed."
4give You Again ???
For All The Times You Made Me Cry??
For All The Things You Said About Me?
For All The Crap You Started?
For Stabing Me In The Back??
No I Wont 4give You ,

Not This Time