I Know How Angry

I Know How Angry
I Know How Angry You Are ...


What You Must Be Going Through

So i Hope , You Know

How Sorry I Am For All

That Happens Between Us ...

Please Forgive Me

Jun, 09 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     1955 views       Sorry

more Sorry SMS Messages

I''m not supposed to love you,
I''m not supposed to care,
I''m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I''m not supposed to wonder where you are
or what you do...
I''m sorry I can''t help myself,
I''m in love with you.”
If you aren''t willing to forgive someone,

then you don''t truly love them.
It takes a second to make a mistake,

but a lifetime to

try and forget it

was your fault.
Words will not be able to ever express
how sorry I am for this,
and I have profound regret and sorrow
for the multitude of
mistakes and harm
I have caused.
im sorry baby,, i believe u''ll run & come to me & i''ll open my hand @ hug u i''ll wait for u till end of my life
Understand that no matter

how many times you say

you''re sorry

it wont wash away all the pain

and hurt you caused

and the tears you made me cry.
Forgive Sounds Good
Forget Im Not Sure I Could
They Say Time Heals Everything
But Im Still Waiting
When you realize you''ve made a mistake,

make amends immediately.

It''s easier to eat crow while it''s still warm.
I Don''t Know Quite

How To Make Things Better Between Us

I Can Start By Saying

I''m Sorry

I Really Am ...
< ( . . )>
/ ( v)
Hello, How R U?
< ( . . )>
/ (v )
( , , )..( ,, )...
R U bored from MY SMS!

< ( . . )> S o r r y
/ ( v )(,,) again!
If you''re going to do something tonight that
you''ll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep
I don''t forgive people cause I''m weak

I forgive them cause I''m strong enough

to understand people make mistakes.