As I fe3l thE te@r g0 d0wn my cheeek .....
my he@rt !s weak.....
For the love I have 4 u,
Will always be gold and true.....
I have m@de some mistakes..... they rest !n the p@st.....
But kn0w my l0ve w!LL Alw@ys La$t....
Even though we R a distance apart...
Y0U Alw@ys have tHE key t0 my he@rt...
I''m not supposed to love you,
I''m not supposed to care,
I''m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I''m not supposed to wonder where you are
or what you do...
I''m sorry I can''t help myself,
I''m in love with you.”