
know I’ve hurt u…

I didn’t mean to.

I am soooooooooo sorry…

Please forgive me!

Jun, 17 2013     81 chars (1 sms)     3066 views       Sorry

more Sorry SMS Messages

How can I begin to say I`m sorry.
I didn’t mean to upset you.
I hope that you can forgive me.I’m sorry.
It takes a strong person

to say sorry.

And an ever stronger

person to forgive.
I’m sorry to be smiling every time you’re near.

I’m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here.

I’m sorry that cupid has made his hit.

I’m sorry i love you,

I can’t help it.
There Is A


That Could Fall




Let Forgiveness Wash Away The

I felt ashamed for what I had done.
I don''t have any excuses.
I did what I did.
I take full responsibility for myself and my actions.
I wouldn''t pawn this off on anybody.
I''m sorry it happened.
And I hurt people.
Words will not be able to ever express
how sorry I am for this,
and I have profound regret and sorrow
for the multitude of
mistakes and harm
I have caused.
"You Should Forgive Me,
And Do You Know Why?

Because I Can''t Stand The Thought
Of You Hurting Because
Of Someone Like Me,
And The Only Way You''ll Ever Stop Being Hurt
By Me,

Is If You Stop Hating Me
So You Can Just Forget That
I Ever Even Existed."
Remember the good times we had spent together, and the beautiful future we had dreamy of...
Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us...
Please let us bridge the gaps...
I feel sorry for the man who marries you...

because everyone

thinks you''re

sweet and you''re not.
What''s done is done
Make room for the new
Forgive and forget
What has been done to you.

is the


I know i''m not a perfect friend,
You''re broken heart, i''ve tried to mend.
Instead i made you hurt and cry,
Maybe i should say goodbye.
Would it be better for me to go?,
I asked you, and you said "No".
Why say no when i hurt you so bad,
But believe me,
you''re not the only one that''s sad.
I made my best friend hurt like mad,
If i left would you be glad?.
Deep in my heart,
I''ll always know,
I''ll love you always,
Even if i go!