Forgive Sounds Good

Forgive Sounds Good
Forgive Sounds Good
Forget Im Not Sure I Could
They Say Time Heals Everything
But Im Still Waiting

Jun, 09 2010     102 chars (1 sms)     2055 views       Sorry

more Sorry SMS Messages

anytime you are angry that breaks my heart
but my heart will never stop to love you............
sorry for that
Refusing To Forgive Someone

Is Like Drinking Poison,

And Waiting For

The Other Person To Die.
It takes a strong person

to say sorry.

And an ever stronger

person to forgive.
I have learned that sometimes

"S O R R Y"

is not enough.

Sometimes you actually have to change.
What''s done is done
Make room for the new
Forgive and forget
What has been done to you.
If you''re going to do something tonight that
you''ll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep
What I Did Was Foolish & Impulsive

If I Cud Take It All Back I''d Do This So Instant

I Truly Didn''t Mean To Hurt You In Any Way

I''m Sorry For Hurting You
Under the influence of our ego
and make small things so difficult
to solved out..
so if i (or u ) have
such kind of experience with me
plz ‘forgive me’…SORRY
The stupid neither forgive nor forget;

the naïve forgive and forget;

the wise forgive but do not forget.
Remember the good times we had spent together, and the beautiful future we had dreamy of...
baby I never wanted to create a distance between us...
Please let us bridge the gaps... im sorry 4 everything
Remember the good times we had spent together, and the beautiful future we had dreamy of...
Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us...
Please let us bridge the gaps...
I have commited a sin to make you sad,
and am realising that am very bad,

so, plz forgive me to lessen the grief,
ur forgiveness will led to a relief,

So plz forgive me