smile SMS Messages626 messages

Time Spent with yOu ,fills me With sheer happiNess.
I know togethEr we will neVer be ..and this Does leave Me in sAdness.
When I see yOur smile ,I cAn''t help but smile too ..
At times I hear vOices bUt mainly They Are Just screaMs ..
The way I hold mySelf TOgether Is alot harder thaN It Seems ..
Together You and I
Can Reach Stars In The Sky. . .
Together You and I
Can Touch Rainbows If V Try. . .
Together You and I
Can Make The Moon smile. . .
Together You and I
Make Heaven Seem Like A Mile. . .
Together You and I
Can Make The Rain Fall. . .
Because Our Love Is Special
And Together We Have It All . .
When I pray I don’t see God, but I know he listens
As such, When I SMS U I don’t see you,
but I know you think of me and smiles.
When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever...
My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that''s why I''m here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.
I''ve notice that being with you,
I smile a little more often,
I anger a little less quickly,
the sun shines a little brighter,
and life is so much sweeter. Luv U.
Live for the person who''s ready to die for u;
smile for the person who cries for u;

Fight for the person who protects u and luv the person who luvs u more than u!
Give laugh to all but smile to one

Give time to all but life to one.

Give love to all but heart to one

let everybody love u but u love only one.
Perfect Love Is Not Receiving
It''s Giving & Frgiving
Perfect Love Isn''t Red Roses On Valentine''s Day
It''s The Rest Of 364 Days Of Knowing U Love Someone
Perfect Love Is Nt Phone Calls & Stolen Kisses
It''s The Silent smile In The Memory Of Ur Sweet Heart
Perfect Love Is Not A Grand wedding But Spending A Life Time Together
Perfect Love Is Not The First Kiss & Make-up
Its Loving The ONE Who Annoys The Hell Out You . . .
I am standing alone in the crowd,
Surrounded by people & music so loud.
My loneliness vanishes in a while,
As I think of U & Ur lovely smile.
I love to see you smile
In the lone summer of light
And hold you oh so close
Underneath the stars at night
But there is just one thing
Darling through and through
Forever I will cherish
Every moment with you.
LiVe Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN DiE Fe Yu..
smile Fe D pErSoN wHu cAn CrY Fe Yu..
FiGhT Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN pRoTecT Yu..
LoVe D pErSoN wHu CaN LoVe Yu MoRe ThAn Yu Do Fe YuRsElF!!..