smile SMS Messages626 messages

smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??..
(Answer is "KISS"). is a book we all read.Love is a blessing we all need.
Always be happy always wear a smile,remember in this world v r
just 4 a while so keep in tuch
I love to see you smilem
In the lone summer of light
And hold you oh so close
Underneath the stars at night
But there is just one thing
Darling through and through
Forever I will cherish
Every moment with you.
COURT ORDER! Ur accused of crawling into my HEART,& hijacking
my smiles with your care.Hw du plead? GUILTY! U R sentenced
2 b MY Better Half 4-LIFE-no bail!
I love so much my heart is sure.
As time goes on I love you more,
Your happy smile.Your loving face,
no one will ever take your place
smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??.. (Answer is "KISS").
Fallin in Luv
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile."
That smile that comes on your face so sudden,
So sweet that I can almost taste;
Those Eyes that I see you batting away,
Makes me forget my haste.
That Hair that you run your fingers through,
So deep and dark like a Raven;
With all that in mind, how can I forget you,
When ‘tis you where I find my heaven.
The way you Laugh at a single joke,
It sounds like the Tinkle of a bell;The cent of you after a shower,
for which I thank God that in love with YOU I fell
A smile tO pUt You On HiGh... A KisS To Set YoUr SouL ALriGhT... WouLd iT bE aLriGhT iF I spEnT ToNiTe BeiNg LovED bY YoU???
10 signs of u r in luv:

1. U walk really slow wen u r wid her/him.

2. U feel shy wen she/he is arund.

3. U smile wen u hear her/him voice.

4. Wen u look at her/him u cant c othr people arund.

6. U start listenin 2 slow songs.

7. U realise u r always smilin 2 urself

wen u think abut her/him.

8. U wud do anythn 2 c her/him.

9. U wer so busy thinkin abut her/him

dat u did nt c dat point no. 5 is missing.

10. Now u scrolled up n laugh on ur mistake.

Ha ha pakade gye!!

I cum 2 know u r in luv.

u got lost thinking abt him/her.
I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.
Dnt go 4 luks,dey cn deceive.

Dnt go 4 wealth,in d end it fades away.

Go 4 sum1 who makes u smile bcoz

it takes only a smile 2 make a dark day seem bright