smile SMS Messages626 messages

A Rupee iS Easy 2 Earn
a smile iS Hard 2 Find
Rupee Loses iTs Value
smile Increases iTs Worth
I Lost a Rupee Wen I sms U
Who Cares
iF I Won uR smile ;->
Rose is famous
4 grace

Advocate is famous 4 case

Horses r famous
4 race
Is famous
4ur face
So keep smile.!
Its not That You Stop Smiling as You Grow Old.

The Real Thing Is You Grow old Because You Stop Smiling.

Donate a smile Today.

And Live Longer... :-)
Silence & smile are 2 powerful tools:
1)smile is the way to solve many problems &
2)Silence is the way to avoid many problems.

So,have a silent smile always !!!
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

A Friend is never measured by the number of times he made u laugh. But by the number of times he made u smile after u cried.
WhEn n0thing sEEms right,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn dArknEss is in da sight,kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ppl disAppoint u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn apportunitiEs R fEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn frustrAtions engulf u, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn fAilurErs r in viEw, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn ur own lEts u down, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn instEAd of smiles u gEt da frowns, kEEP da FAITH

WhEn ur judgEmEnts goEs wrong, kEEp da FAITH

WhEn u fEEl wEAk n wAnAA b strong, kEEp da FAITH

kEEp da FAITH n don lEt it go!!!
Silence & smile

are two powerful tools.

smile is the way to solve many problems.

Silence is the way to avoid many problems
{( tOdaYZ tHouGhT )}

Wen we see our beloved one after a long gap,

we want to share many things.

but smile & tears r d first one we share.

Dat''s real affection.
A Nice Thought-

"when We have the heart

to forget those who made us smile,

why cant we have the heart

to forgive someone who made us Cry"
So simple it is to Live.

So simple it is to Love.

So simple it is to smile.

So simple it is to win.

But it''s too difficult to be so simple
A NiceThought-

"when We have the heart

to forget those who made us smile,

why cant we have the heart

to forgive someone who made us Cry
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

Only 2 persons r very happy in dis world,

1 is MAD & another is CHILD.

Be a MAD to achieve wt you desire

and be a CHILD to spread smile on faces....;->