rain SMS Messages484 messages

Life is a railway station, where love is a train,
it will come and go any time, but freindship is a track,
it will remain.........................for ever

If luck is a raindrop, I wil; send u a shower.
If hope is a minute, I ll send you an hour.
If happiness is a leaf, I ll give you a tree.
If u need a friend, u already have me.
It is scientifically proved that suger can dissolve in water,
so please dont go outside when it is raining,
cuz u r the sweetest in the whole world.
A deep friend is like rainbow,
when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed,
the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.
How can u tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist? , How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall when wind exist?, How can u tell me not 2 fall is friendship when u exist..
Monsoon rain or summer heat
You are the reason why I breathe
Tell me friend what is sweet
Is that “YOU” or your heart that beats.
Rose for love,
Cloud’s for rain,
Heart for blood,
But hands to shake,
To never forget to shake hands
Coz its gesture of friendship.
Life means:

A winter evening,

6 friends,

Mild rain,

6 cups of tea.

Life means:

Hundred bucks of petrol,

2 rusty old bikes,

And an open road.

Life means:

Maggi nodles,

A hostel room,

3.25 a.m.

Life means:

1 Prep leave,

1 night,

1 book,

8 dufers.

Life means:

6 old friends,

6 separate cities,

6 cofe mugs,

n 1 internet mesenger.

Life means:

1 girl,

1 number,

4 friends,

n a fight.

Life means:

Eyes r Parents. . .

Heart is Lover. . .

Brain is Teacher. . .

Brothers & Sisters r Fingers. . .

But A Loving Friend is Blood. . .

So Always Keep Flowing Regularly. . . :->
7colours make rainBOW.

7chords make MUSIC.

7days make a WEEK.

7continents make the WORLD

and The

7beautiful Letters make "FRIENDS"
Our friends are like angels,
who brighten our days.
In all kinds of wonderful,
Magical ways.

Their thoughtfulness comes,
As a gift from above.
And we feel we''re surrounded,
By warm, caring love.

Like upside-down rainbows,
Their smiles bring the sun.
And they fill ho-hum moments,
With laughter and fun.

Friends are like angels,
Without any wings.
Blessing our lives,
With the most precious things.
A friend is...
A tissue when you can''t stop crying
A shoulder when you feel like dying
Always listens when you have something
to say a week when you just need a day
A crutch when you have a broken heart
Some glue when everything falls apart
A sun when the rain just won''t stop
Your Mom when you run into a cop
phone call when you can''t leave your
Hand when you feel all alone
Wing if you want to fly
Understands without knowing why
An earfor a secret to tell
An aspirin when you feel unwell
A love that can never let go
I cherish those moments of our
frienship I shared with You...