Life means

Life means
Life means:

A winter evening,

6 friends,

Mild Rain,

6 cups of tea.

Life means:

Hundred bucks of petrol,

2 rusty old bikes,

And an open road.

Life means:

Maggi nodles,

A hostel room,

3.25 a.m.

Life means:

1 Prep leave,

1 night,

1 book,

8 dufers.

Life means:

6 old friends,

6 separate cities,

6 cofe mugs,

n 1 internet mesenger.

Life means:

1 girl,

1 number,

4 friends,

n a fight.

Life means:


Jun, 17 2010     487 chars (4 sms)     2797 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

When a person calls u by a stupid name and never by ur own name.....
When they always get angry, whenever u tell them that u r busy and cant reply...
When they tell u everything about themselves even if its embarrassing. ..
When they come to c u, whenever they get a chance....
When u argue with each other on stupid things and then end up laughing....
Celebrate ur friends....
The recipe of friendship:, 1 cup of sharing.. 2 cups of caring.. 3 cups of forgiveness &hugs.. mixx all these together to make friends 4 ever..
Good friends are like angels

that lifts us up,

when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
Dosti Wo Nahi Hoti Jo
"JAAN" Deti Hy

Dosti Wo Nahi Hoti Jo

Asli Dosti Tou Wo Hoti

Jo Paani Main Gira
Pehchaan Leti Hy
Zikar hua jab Khuda ki rehmaton ka,
Hamne khud ko khushnaseeb paya,
Tamanna thi ek pyare se dost ki,
Khuda khud dost bankar chala aaya
A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The tear of eye that
wets ur pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure ! (:
ur accused of crawlin'' in 2 my life,
& hijacking my smiles with ur cute SMS''s
U r found guilty n so u r sentenced
to b my friend 4 life!
No bail.......

Some joys are better explained in silence,
as a smile gets more audible than laughter.
I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with
you. I just smiled..:)
YOU know..?

What''s d Best thing about our Friendship.. ?

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

It''s d FIRST word of this Message..;-)
Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof,
it never has a happy ending too simply coz
it doesn"t end as long as friends r true, just like U!
A nice quote by a true friend
"I don't care when you disturb me, it disturbs me when you don't disturb me"
[[ tOdAyz ThOught ]]

Minds Are Like Parachutes.

They Only Function

When They Are Open.