mori SMS Messages96 messages

Best wishes to you for a
Holi filled with sweet moments
and memories to cherish for long.
Happy Holi!
Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive in the gr8 memories of others
if i could bring back memories i would bring the first day
i kissed you i look you in the eyes and felt love.
thanks god an angel came into my life!
Memories play a very confusing ROLE.... They make you laugh wen u remember the time u cried2gether!! bt make u cry wen u remember d time u laughed 2gether
I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.
I knew I loved you when I realized that there was no one else I would rather laugh, cry and make memories with. Luv U!
We all want to fall in love. . .

Why. . ?

Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn''t diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives. . .
Flowers die......... .,

Stories end......... .,

Songs fade........ ..,

Memories are forgotten... .,

All things come to an end,

But people like you,

Always remain forever,

B''cozzzzzzzzzzzz. .... ...







You are One of a Kind !!!!!!!!!!
WE All Want To Fall In LOVE . . .
Why ? ? ?
Bcoz That Experience Makes Us Feel Completely Alive
Where Every Scene Is Heightend, Every Emotion Is Magnified, Our Everyday Reality Is Shattered & We Are Flying Into Heavens. It May Only Last A Moment, An Hour, An Afternoon, But that Doesn’t Diminsh It’s Value
We Are Left With Memories That We Treasure For The Rest For Our Life
Love is like sunshine.
It brings a golden glow to its beholder''s face.
And a warm feeling all over their body.
It awakens souls and opens eyes.
And when its over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars.
To remind the world, that it still exists.
The heart is the main organ of the body. It is said that our heart keeps us alive,

but I believe its what is inside our hearts that gives us the drive to live.

The love thats inside our heart that makes us who we are. The greatest gift in my eyes is the ability to love.

To share the love we hold in our hearts is the greatest gift God has given us because people only can live for so long,

but our memories and our love last for eternity.
The Heart Is The Main Organ Of The Body. It Is Said That Our Heart Keeps Us Alive . . .
I Beleive Its What Is Inside Our Hearts That Gives Us The Drive To Live . . .
Te Love That''s Inside Our Heart That Makes Us Who We Are. The Greatest Gift In My Eyes Is The Ability To Love . . .
To Share The Love We Hold In Our Heart Is The Greatest Gift GOD Has Given Us B''coz People Only Can Live For So Long
Our Memories & Our Love Last For Etrnity . . .