Learn frm a candle

Learn frm a candle
Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive in the gr8 memories of others

Jun, 15 2010     148 chars (1 sms)     2050 views       Inspirational

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Being Happy Doesnt Mean Everything Is Perfect
It Means Dat U Have Decided To Look
Beyond All The Imperfection & It Is The
Most Beautiful Type Of Faith On ALLAH
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past ...

we can''t go on well in life till

we wont let go of our past

our failures , our disappointments ...
Never despise life''s fiery trials.
They are God''s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.
Men who for truth and honor''s sake
Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly...
They build a nation''s pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.
Man''s Rise Or Fall, Success Or Failure,

Happiness Or Unhappiness Depends On His Attitude..

A Man''s Attitude Will Create

The Situation He Imagines
I can close my eyes and see all I’m searching for..
I can know what lies ahead without opening the door..
Intuition guiding me I will take my time..
All my answers live within my heart and quiet mind.
Floating Down D Flow Needs No Effort
Swimming Agnst It Needs Effort
Don''t Go D Way Life Takes U
Take Life D Way U Want 2 Go

Thk Diffrnt
Decide Carefully

"What You Want In
Life ...!!!"

Then Work Like

To Make Sure
You Get It ... !!!
HaPpInEsS iS tO

sEe tHe WoRld iN a GrAiN oF sAnD


HeAvEn in WiLd FlOwEr

To HoLd InFiNiTy In ThE PaLm Of ur hAnD


EteRniTy in a SiNgLe hoUr ... [:
People thinks
war is a Competition
Weapons, People,
Forces or Nation,
But its a Battle of
between Our Mothers
Thier Mothers.
The Question is,
Whose SON will come
back with
Flag in his Hands
and whose SON come
back with
FLAG Cover his Body.

I was told at my Birth that
I dont Belong to my Parents..
My Destiny, My Dreams
Belong Only
"Lets Unite in the WAR AGAINST INDIA"
When I Fail ...

I Laugh And Say
" It''s My Passion ..."


When I Succeed ...

I Call It My
"Business Strategy ... "
All The Birds Have
Flown Up & Gone
A Lonely Cloud
Floats Leisurely By
We Never Tire Of
Looking At Each Other
Only The Moon & I

_ DaRk TeMpTaTiOn _