mori SMS Messages96 messages

One Fine day, all of us will get busy wid our lives, long working hours, no more classes, lectures, friends n sms'', some will get married, won''t have time for ourselves,
at such a day u will look outsid ur window n see the good old memories flash by u & u will get a smile with a tear in ur eyes & turn back to ur work thinking I wish I could go back..

Send this to all your friends who helped to create such memories
A daily thought...

A silent tear...

A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep...

Memories of our frenship i''ll always keep!!
I keep memories of all our special times
tucked in my heart n wen i remember those times,
I smile n fall in luv with
our friendship all over again.

Great friends are part of memories.
Time can never erase.
When life is blessed with friends like you.
Sweeter memories are always there to look back
Nice Friends Are Best Part Of Our Memories
That Tym Can Never Erase
When I''m Blessed Wid A Friend Lyk U
My Memories Are Alwayz Worth Treasuring . . . =)
There are 2 types of enjoyment.
One is being with a friend.
The other is being with the memories of friends.
Miss u but not ur memories.
Nice person are the best part of our memories
that time can never erase and when i’m blessed
with a person like you my memories are always
worth and treasuring…....;->
100 Memories ...

200 Jokes ...

300 Great Times ...

400 Secrets ...

1 Reason ...


HaPpy fRieNdShIp dAy
Is A gIfT,
tHaT iS fAiR iN aLl tHiNgZ.
iT rOoTs FrOm OnE''s HeArT
iNvOlVeS mEmorieS
tHaT sTaY nOt
FoR a WhIlE
FoR a LiFeTiMe ... -,-

Are Like


Lives Pieced Together ,

Stitched With Memories ,


Bound By Love ... :)
A Stone Dropped In
Water In A Moments
Its Gone
Dere''ll b 1000 Ripples
Circling On & On
2day Im Here
2morow Im Gone
Dere''ll b 1000
Memorie Echoing
On & On
We Make So Many Friends,
Sum Bcum Dearest,

Sum Bcum Special,

Felt In Love Wid Sum1,

Sum Go Abroad,

Sum Change Their Cities,

Sum Left Us,

We Left Sum,

Sum R In Contact,

Sum R Not In Contact,

Sum Don''t Contact Cuz Ov Their Ego,

We Don''t Contact Sum Cuz Ov Our Ego,

Wht Eva They Were,

How Eva They Are..

We Still Remember, Love, Missed, Cared Them Cuz Ov The Part They Played To Made

Dedicated 2 All My,
(-: "FRIENDS" ;->