mori SMS Messages96 messages

Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive in the gr8 memories of others.
Memories sometimes
behave in a crazy way....
They leave you alone when
you are in a crowd....
& when you are alone they
stand along with you like a
Gate Of Memories Wil Never Close,
How Much We Miss Our Friends Nobody Knows,
Days Will Pass Like Years,
We Will Remember The Memories In
Silent Tears,
MemoriEs SoMeTiMeS BeHaVe In a CrAzY WaY . . .

TheY Leave u AlOnE wHeN u ArE In A CrOwD . . .
WhEn U aRe aLoNe ThEy StAnD AlOnG U LiKe A CrOwD . . .
Door Of Memories Will Never Close
How Much We Miss Our Frnds
No One Knows
Days Will Pass Like Years
We''ll Remeber Da Memories
In Silent Tears . . .
Memories Are Special
There Are Sum Frnds
Come Over When U''re Shunned By All & Subdry
Still Luv U
There Are Sum Frnds Who Start Noddling
When U Are Three
Same Sense Of Humor As U. . .
U & I Are Of Those Frnds . . . :->
MemoriEs r tReAsUrEd,
No oNe cAn StEaL.
PaRtInG Is hEaRtAcHe,
nO oNe cAn HeAl.
SoMe''ll fOrGoT u wHeN u R gOnE,
BuT I''ll r3m3mb3r u No MaTteR HoW lOnG.....
One Of The Reasons Y People Hold On To Memories

So Tight Is Because Memories

Are The Only Thing That

Dont Change When

Every One Else Change.
When The
Are Sweet ...


Special People
Like You
Are not
Forgotten ,

They Remain
Heart beats
Forever ... =)
Gr8 fRiEnDz ArE pArT
oF mEmorieZ
wHiCh TiMe
CaN nEvEr ErAsE
wHeN lIfE iZ
bLeSsEd WiTh FrIeNd
LiKe YoU
sWeEtEsT mEmorieZ
sTiLl ReMaIn ... (:
The first gush of chilly winds!

The familiar anticipation of long walks!

cold nose, numb feet, warm breaths!

The fog!

The vermillion tree leaves!
Oranges, Coffee, Friends!

"The best is yet to come"

Thats the message winters bear..

So make lasting memories..!

Happy January !
I luk upon lyf as a
book & d ppl I luv r lyk
Rosepetals kept b/w d
Ech tym I turn a pg of
my lyf
I find a Rosepetal
reminding me of my
beutiful memoriz (: