like you SMS Messages82 messages

I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all day long.
In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.
I''ve made so many mistakes in my life, but something I did right was to have you as a friend and I definitely wont make another mistake of losing someone like you.
Don''t be too good I might miss you, don''t be too caring I might like you, don''t be too sweet I might fall its hard for me to love you when you wont love me after all.

A man sees a fat man
sitting in a train cabin.

Taunting, he asks:
Is this cabin for elephants only!

Fat man humbly replies:
No!Even monkeys like you can sit!
''When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you.... Why should only i suffer!!!''
Friedship is just like wine.. as it gets older it gets sweter.. just like you and me.. you are gettind older and i am getting sweeter
Heartbeats are countless
Spirits are ageless
Dreams are endless
Memories are timeless
A friend like you
U r BEST Heart Surgeon In the World , Beacause You Made a Place In My Heart Without CUTING and SPILLING blood . I am Lucky 2 have a Cute Friend like you
I like you

I like you

I Really like you

I Really Really like you....

Kyunki Geeta mai likha hai

Flatter me ,and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you.
Love me, and I will be forced to love you.
Wife Says; When Im Gone Youll Never Find Another Woman Like Me.

Husband Replied; What Makes You Think Id Want Another Woman like you... ;->
3 Lessons Form "3 Idiots" Movie:

1. Do Any Work With Passion and Choice.

2. Believe in Yourself.

3. Always Have One Idiot Friend like you! :-)